Cooking pizza from scratch is rising in popularity among enthusiasts and the economically-minded alike. Making pizza at home leaves you free to experiment, select the best ingredients, and save the money you’d have spent tipping the delivery guy.
This Pizzacraft baking stone is perfect for pizza, bread, pastries and other food, eliminating hot spots even as cooking, and producing a uniformly browned crust. Just like food baked in a professional brick-lined oven – but it’s from your kitchen or grill.
This stone is also convenient for heating and re-heating ready-made frozen pizzas and baked goods. Easy to take care of as the stone requires no seasoning or conditioning. Thermal shock resistant.
HOW TO USE: For best results, pre-heat oven to 500° F (260° C) and place stone in middle of oven on lowest rack. If the usage of a grill, preheat to same temperature and place on middle of grill for 30 minutes. When it’s time to bake, dust stone with cornmeal before placing baked goods on top. For fresh pizza, a flat metal spatula or a pizza peel dusted with cornmeal works well for transferring food to the baking stone. On the other hand, wearing an oven mitt or glove, remove the hot stone from the oven, place pizza on the stone and return both to the oven or grill.
This baking stone can be used for bread, pizza and other baked goods. Please remember that some foods, such as bread and pizza, will do well baked directly on the stone, even as others may require a thin layer of foil between the food and the surface of the stone. The layer of foil will promote optimal baking for certain types of food such as cookies.
CARE: This cordierite baking stone is extremely durable and will not crack as a result of thermal shock. There is not any wish to soak the stone in water before use.
To clean, scrape off any excess food with a spatula. When the stone has cooled, run it under hot water even as scrubbing with a brush. Do not use soap on the stones as it may leave a soapy aftertaste. The natural properties of the baking stone will cause it to darken and spot with age – do not attempt to remove this discoloration. Air-dry the stone and store inside the oven.
Make Your Own Delicious Pizza At Home
Reheat Ready-Made Frozen Pizza
Not Just For Pizza, Can Bake Bread, Pastries And Other Goods
Stone Requires No Seasoning Or Conditioning
Thermal Shock Resistant
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